Data Physicalization

Data does not necessarily have to be worked primarily via software. Physicalization is another way of showing data and here I bring and example with a piece of mine.
This piece uses embroidery as a metaphor for beauty and interconnection in nature. I embroidered a flower with 18 petals, one for each 5-year period from 1937-2022. Each petal carries as many strands as the percentage of remaining wilderness at that time. The loss between periods is represented by falling strands. The more strands the more amount lost and the longer the longer ago we lost it.
This work was done in contribution to “Dear Nightingale analogue data visualization challenge”, hosted by textile artist India Johnson, prompted readers to transform a piece of fabric into data viz by cutting, picking, or pulling it apart.
Published in Nightingale, the Journal of Data Visualization Society in their September 2023 articles