25 year anniversary of SMEAR II research station 2020

SMEAR II is the name of a research station, in fact one of a series of stations with the SMEAR label, and in fact the site where I did my PhD. It started working in 1995 and thus was having anniversary on 2021. It was suggested to collect all the scientific articles that used the station’s data somehow, to be presented at the station celebration
As often, there was not much time –only 5 days!– I resorted to WebOfScience and Scopus ; almost faster than getting material from the researchers, even with all the name harmonization etc. I managed to collect 743 papers. Soon after, I did received a list, but there was no time to check it out, I had to move to making the visuals.
Exploring for a static visual
While exploring the data in Excel I came up with the idea for a static figure that was used later in the PEEX visual corner.
The explorable interactive
With Flourish, I build and explorable interactive and also a story (with music and all) that was played as a short video during the party. The material can be accessed also via the GlobalSmear site.
Here is the introductory story:
And here the interactive itself: